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Grief Counseling

There are those moments in life that define us. In an instant the life we once knew is forever changed. These can be positive, but often it's the late night phone call with news of the loss of a loved one. Perhaps the excitement of pregnancy and anticipation of a new life is met with miscarriage, stillbirth, or diagnosis of a lifelong disability. The discovery of a debilitating or terminal illness leads to despair. No one is immune to pain, grief, and loss in this world. It is common to us all.


Grief is a normal, natural process involving strong emotional response to loss. The process of grief is unique to each person. While there are stages of grief, each individual will move at their own pace. Healing and restoration take time. Give yourself the space to embrace the feelings that accompany loss. This leads to a place of acceptance. Then we are able to begin a path of growth and allow something beautiful to emerge. God brings beauty from ashes. 


At Abounding Hope, we will combine classic grief models with the Biblical context for suffering and trials. As physical, emotion, and spiritual beings, the most effective road to healing and restoration involves a holistic, eclectic approach.


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